
President of the UWI Students’ Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) Vice-Chancellor’s Ambassador Corp

For the academic year, 2019-2020, I ascended within the Organization from Vice President of Alumni Relations to President. As President, my duties would now become more centered around Setting the annual goals for the Mona Chapter, as well as employing strategies to ensure the Organization's brand and work becomes stronger and more prominent.

Some major accomplishments are:

  • The acceptance and subsequent Presentation of a poster with the research topic 'Climate Change and the SDGs in the Caribbean: Youth led virtual forums advocate for action' at the Sixth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) - Showcasing the proposal for our launched regional UWI STAT Climate Change Advocacy Network.
  • Launched a High School Mentorship Programme at Papine High School in collaboration with the Mona Social Services Unit in January 2020. The targeted group was a class of Grade 11s who received sessions on Conflict Resolution, Life Coaching, Empowerment programmes such as financial literacy.
  • Oversaw the formation of a Financial Ambassador Programme with Corporate Champion Victoria Mutual (VM) Financial Group. The 'FETE' programme seeks to help Jamaicans to make better financial choices by training students/young people to educate their peers, and families. 
  • First ever multi-campus CARICOM initiative involving inter-campus pairs to enhance integration (150 students total from the campuses involved) This program, 'CARI-YOU PENPAL-COM', still active today, gives students the platform to share their cultures, their experiences with a similar student from another UWI Campus. The ultimate aim is to enhance regional integration among Caribbean Islands forming a stronger unit for the future.

Caribbean Youth Parliament on Climate Justice

Shamar serves on the first ever 15-person Caribbean Youth Parliament on Climate
Justice, which was hosted by the
Caribbean Climate Justice Project. Here he represented Jamaica debating a 13-point resolution on climate justice for citizens of the Caribbean in September 2021. Among several other points, the resolution called on the international community to do the following:

  • States with the greatest responsibility for anthropogenic climate change to provide the required financial and technological resources to countries in the global south to help them respond to the myriad impacts of climate change
  • Embark on an urgent and sustained global effort to close the mitigation ambition gap and place the world on a pathway that will limit the average global temperature increase to 1.5oC
  • Implement a Global Carbon Tax on all major emitters of greenhouse gases, with the proceeds to be paid into a fund to address loss and damage in developing countries

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